Liquidity Risk

Risk Software Technologies-RST, has developed Liquidity Risk solution as a tool to help banks calculate LCR and NSFR, and derive LKO120HS required by BRSA’s for liquidity risk. Through a user-friendly interface, Riskturk Liquidity Risk solution presents the banks with an analysis and reporting framework that would let them predict and assess their short-term liquidty risk effectively and derive LKO120HS form in the format required by BRSA. This solution  also enable to stress test LKO by scenario analysis.


Liquidity Coverage Ratio-LCR is an essential component of Basel III reforms. It aims to ensure that a bank has an adequate stock of unencumbered high-quality liquid assetss (HQLA) to meet liquidty needs during a 30- calendar day period of severe liquidty stress. It is a measure of the banks short term liquidty risk.

LKO, is BRSA-Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency’s adjustment of LCR to Turkish banks. LKO, is a daily report to assess a bank’s short term liquidty risk. It has two components:

  • The Stock of High Quality Liquid Assets-HQLA

  • Total Net Cash Outflows

LKO (LCR) is given by the following ratio:

Risk Software Technologies-RST, has developed LKO solution as a tool to help banks calculate LKO and derive LKO120HS required by BRSA’s for liquidity risk. Through a user-friendly interface, Riskturk LKO solution presents the banks with an analysis and reporting framework that would let them predict and assess their short-term liquidty risk effectively and derive LKO120HS form in the format required by BRSA. RST LKO solution also enable to stress test LKO by scenario analysis.



  • The derivation of LKO120HS form

  • Scenario Analysis: LKO solution allows for scenario creation. The bank can assess its liquidity risk under different scenarios:

    • Market Scenarios:

      • Interest Rate Shocks

      • FX Rate Shocks

    • Strategic Management Shocks

      • Scenarios based on the change of assets in terms of their liquidity quality

      • Scenarios based on percentage changes in Balance Sheet Items

    • Behavioral Scenarios

      • Early withdrawal and payment scenarios

    • The Haircut (for HQLA), the draw-down rate (for Cash Outflows) and the inflow rate (for Cash Inflows) scenarios

    • Maturity Scenarios: LKO can be derived by taking into censideration total net cash outflows for a maturity other than 30 calendar days.