Private Equity Funds

Risk management services related to Private Equity Funds are presented within the framework of related Communiqué and Risk Management Procedures. A detailed analysis is performed by taking into consideration the risk types for Private Equity Funds. The main types of risk are; Market Risk, Liquidity Risk, Financing Risk, Exchange Rate Risk, Funding Risk and Interest Rate Risk.

Cash flows of Private Equity Funds is taken into consideration and these cash flows are simulated to take into consideration the exchange rate and interest rate variability.

The analyzes of the fund portfolio are carried out by Risktürk during the valuation periods and these analyzes are included in the Risk Report.

Stress tests are selected to reflect unusual changes in markets and other environmental factors. Depending on the investment strategy and risk profile of the fund, scenarios are created for the changes in the factors that may have an impact on the total value of the fund.