Risk Software Technologies (RST) is a leading financial software and consulting firm. Our young, dynamic and talented staff completed very important projects in a very short time.
Our Market Risk, Credit Risk and Asset Liability Management Solutions have been applied to many important Turkish banks since 2001. Today, our customers are experiencing the convenience of RST's fast and efficient solutions for their problems.
All of our projects are package solutions that include risk management consultancy and training, data integration, software license and personalization of our software according to your needs.
With our systems, including our last 4 applications which were served to top-5 private banks of Turkey whose assets are measured by billions dollars, we analyze billions of records for our customers. Finance software developed by Risk Software Technologies is used by many different financial institutions.
In addition, we have recently focused on expanding our solutions to include the real sector, pension funds and portfolio management companies.
Our team works with financial econometricians and risk experts who are experts in their fields of research, consultancy and training, and are members of important academies in Europe and the United States.
Investment in RST: Contact us for more information on investment opportunities in Risk Software Technologies: risk@riskturk.com
Who Are We?
Prof. Dr. Burak Saltoğlu
Burak Saltoğlu, co-founder of Risk Software technology and a faculty member at Boğaziçi University for 16 years. Since then he has conducted a lot of consultancy projects for many global and local firms such as BNP TEB,Turkish Airlines, Socar Turkey, Rabobank, Deutscher Bank among many others. His 2006 and 2007 papers on risk forecasting are considered major contributions to risk modeling, and significant impact on the performance measurement of risk assessment methodologies. In these studies, Saltoğlu has collaborated with world-leading experts in risk modeling.
Aligned with our founder's vision, our company aims to combine scientific thoroughness with the practicality of real-world situations in our professional approach. Saltoğlu is still active in the
application of academic research to real-world financial challenges with a world leading research collaborators throughout the world. demonstrating a profound understanding of how theoretical models can be effectively adapted to manage risks in dynamic financial markets.
Our founder’s cv can be found below